Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Be With Some One You Love

So while I edit photos on my computer I usually listen to music and lately I have no clue why I've been really liking those songs that have to do with loving some one who is not your current person you are with. Now in no way is it because I love some one else other than Kyle (my husband of 6 years) because well besides him there is no other guy in my life that I'm love like that I have guy friends yes but one is well not in my life currently (fine by me) and the other just got engaged (which I am totally happy for him ^_^....oh and her) so yeah there is no way no how that this is pertaining to me or really anyone I know they are just my thoughts....I told you in thr first post that this might happen lol.

Anyways back to my point the one thing I never understood about people in relationships is when they're not in love with that person anymore why would they stay? I've always felt that you can never control who you love or why you love them but you should always be with that person (unless they beat you or are bad for you in any way). Why waste your time in a relationship if you know it's not going anywhere and it might not be fixable, granted please do try to work it out before just giving up because sometimes it does end up some where wonderful.

Also with there being so many songs such as Fuel - Runaway and Hinder - Lips of a Angel if you love some one else why not just be with them (granted of course that person loves you back). I know it might sound bad but I truly would hope that if Kyle didn't love me anymore and found some other girl that he did love, while still being married that he would just tell me and let me know. Yes of course I might want to kill him who wouldn't but I rather end the relationship heartbroken but able to go live my life and find some one else maybe than be in a relationship wondering why he's acting strange or what ever.

I know there are so many people out there that don't want alot of relationships because they think its a bad thing but it's not it just mean you haven't found the right one yet. Just because your last relationship didn't work out does not mean you have to try extra hard on the next one because well that can just make it too hard on both of you. Also remember that there is no perfect relationship so the minute you find something you don't like about the person does not mean you need to bale (unless they hit you, you should punch them in the gut and RUN haha)

Well that is the end of this is one of those late night rambles so sorry if it makes not since or what not but yeah. Be with people you love and who love you back, if the relationship is dead and there is no way to bring it back to life then get out of it, or if you love some one more and I mean that I can't live with out that person type feeling don't just let the person you're with tag along let them go and be happy.


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