Thursday, January 12, 2012

This Weekend ^_^

So this weekend I will be teaching a lovely fellow photographer Christina from Bella Expression lighting tips and how to use a flash ^_^ It is not really the first time I've taught some one things with photography but it will be the first time teaching some one that actually got into contact with me for it. So it will be very interesting and fun I think and hopefully she will learn alot and I'm able to explain things because when I taught a friend about photoshop she understood it but still didn't get how I did it lol...because of how I explained it.

I will also be doing a little shoot with two awesome models that day as well because they were willing to come down and help with my little lighting class. So be on the look out for new photos soon.

Besides that I do have a few other shoots in the works and a few ideas on how to get new people and get my photography a bit more known. We will see how that goes.

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