Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Letter to Future/Current Self

Ok I know everyone has heard the question "If you could write a letter to your teenage self what would it say?" or "If you can give advice to your past self what would be?" that sort of thing.

Well yeah there is alot of stuff I would love to tell my past self about such as forget about that freaking guy he doesn't care move on it will do you so much better, or stop thinking about others too much. You know the usual stuff but I rather write a letter to my current/future self because well lets face it time travel will not be possible in my life time plus the past is what made me like I am today and well I like myself right now very much. So here we go a letter to my current/ future self

Dear Current Self,

Here are a few helpful tips that will make your life alot better for you.

1) Remember the past is the past and you can never change it. Things, people and events that happened in the past does not matter now, it's what either made you stronger and who your are today.

2) Live your life for the day and only plan for the future if you need to and not to far out. Do not plan to try and do something 5 years from now because you will be disappoint about your past if it doesn't happen. Plan little things yes but never be to disappointed in your self if things do not happen because life will be full of them and will soon be part of the past. There is no use letting stuff eat you up. On the other hand be grateful and excited when things do work out, and know that not giving up and hard work is what got you there.

3) Do not hold onto things from the past to tightly if you are the only one that seems to care about it. Those friends that you have called, text and emailed who never got back to you just brush it off your shoulders and move on. If they are your friends they will get back to you and be happy that they did but do not punish them or your self if they don't. Be grateful for the friends you do have and the times you are able to talk to them and stuff because though your friendships are not how you would like them to be just be glad they are there.

4) Do not judge people....period. It does not matter what they did, who they are or what you might think. It is their life and you have no control over it and you also do not know what you would do in their situation. So do not judge them for actions they did, it is ok to take into count what they did and how it might effect your relationship with them but that will be only between you and them. You are not perfect and have also made mistakes.

5) Try not to care about peoples lives more than your own. Help friends with problems, be there for them, be happy for them when great things happen but do not make their problems yours do not wonder why good things are happening to them but not you. You both may share wonderful, sad and happy moments together but your lives are two different strings that if you let them get too tangled up a knot will form and you might not be prepared for it. You've been throw this too many times in your life and ever single time you're the one that got hurt with out anyone else noticing.

6) Try new things with almost everything in your life. Try a new type of food, watch a new type of show, be creative with your photography by trying new concepts. You know what you love and that is great but if you try new things and are not afraid it might become a new favorite with out you knowing.

But most importantly LIVE!!!! be happy every single day no matter what happens. Live your life as much as you can. That doesn't have to mean going out all the time, traveling or anything like that as nice as it would be. It means just be happy even if it's hanging out at the house all day again and again make it a great day by reading a book that you like, watching your favorite more, listening to music that makes you smile and dance. You are the one that controls how you feel and even if the world might be crumbling around you try to find good in it and try to make your self smile. Sadness, heart ache, boredom, worrying, none of that is good for you all the time. They are things that you can never avoid but you can get past.

Well yourself of course.

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